Why I Like Using Math Worksheets in the Special Education Classroom

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math worksheets in the classroom

Using math worksheets in the special education classroom can be a great way to reinforce key concepts. They help students apply their knowledge. They can save you time because they are easy to print and go. Be sure you are selecting worksheets that are aligned with the curriculum in your classroom. And I like to also use worksheets to progress monitor IEP goals for students. I have created worksheets that work for all of those situations in the classroom.

Using math worksheets in the special education classroom is like a toolbox for a mechanic; they provide essential tools to reinforce skills, streamline tasks, and ensure alignment with overall objectives.

Using Math Worksheets in the Classroom

Moreover, math worksheets in the special education classrooms are used in a variety of ways. They are great as practice exercises to give students a chance to apply what they’ve learned in class. In special education, teachers like to use them as assessments to gauge the progress of students on IEP goals. And they are perfect for enrichment activities to challenge high-achieving students or help struggling students catch up. No matter how you use them, math worksheets are an effective way to make learning math fun and engaging.

Money math worksheets in the classroom
Counting 10 Dollar Bill Math Worksheets

Using math worksheets in the special education classroom can be a great way to engage students and help them practice their math skills. To make sure they are getting the most out of the worksheets, it is important to use them in the right way.

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Here are a few tips for using math worksheets in the classroom:

– First, provide a clear explanation of the worksheet before students start working on it. Make sure they understand the instructions and any concepts they need to know for the worksheet.

– Give students time to work through the worksheet on their own. This will allow them to practice and apply their math skills.

– Next, check-in with students periodically to make sure they are on track. Ask questions and offer help when needed.

– After students finish the worksheet, go over the answers together. This will help them understand how to solve problems and reinforce their knowledge of the subject.

Other ways to Use Math Worksheets

Addition Math Worksheets

On top of just independent work as mentioned above students can complete math worksheets in the special education classrooms in other ways. Here is a list of ideas I’ve used in the past:

  • Morning Work: As students come in first thing in the morning having something for them to complete that is a skill they can do on their own is great for keeping young minds busy in a practical way. It can help the teacher and staff in the classroom focus on other tasks while students are working.
  • Math Centers: I love setting up centers or stations for students with different types of work to complete including hands-on materials like math file folders and worksheets too! I put these into binders for my students to complete each day on their own during our center rotation!
  • Paraprofessional Led Stations: I like having a structured set of materials that require little preparation to give to the staff and paraprofessionals that might work with students in a small group or individual session. These worksheets are perfect for doing just that!
  • Progress Monitoring of IEP goals: If you have a student in your classroom that is working on a number of math skills you can use worksheets to collect the data you need on a student’s IEP goal. Have them complete the worksheet to establish a baseline, then use it to teach the skill in sessions to follow, and then periodically (based on the IEP goal) use them to assess as well!
  • Homework: This isn’t my favorite option because I don’t like giving out homework, but it could still work. With the directions clearly laid out for anyone to use it makes it simple to print and send home for additional practice!

Some Final Thoughts:

Additionally, by following these tips, you can make sure your students get the most out of math worksheets in the special education classroom.

math worksheets in the classroom

Here are some of the math worksheets that I have found useful in my classroom. I love that they have multiple modes for students to practice the same skill. Including cut and paste, writing, matching, and multiple choice questions. Also, these worksheets have about 20 of each type of worksheets so students have many ways to get repetition and practice with each math skill.

Click on the cover images to head to the Teach Love Autism Shop and check these and other math worksheet sets out!