Morning Meeting Calendar Bulletin Board | Classroom Calendar Set


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This classroom calendar set-up, organization, & morning meeting bulletin board set includes everything you need to design, decorate, set up, organize, and run calendar time in your classroom! Teachers and students can interact with the materials on the board to make morning meetings an engaging time in your classroom! It is available in multiple options including, color, real photos, black and white, and MORE!

Need the whole MORNING MEETING BUNDLE for the tons of ENGAGEMENT?

Check this bundle out HERE and save 25% off all resources in the bundle!


  • Calendar display pack – calendar template, days of the week, monthly headers, weather, & more. These work with velcro pieces as options or as a write-in with dry-erase markers. ***This calendar display can be printed in larger formats. You will need to use Staples™ or Office Max™ printing services if you want the calendars to fit on your classroom bulletin board.
  • Labels galore – calendar numbers in multiple colors or black and white, days of the week, months of the year, years, types of weather, temperature pieces, and ranges.
  • Bulletin board headers – includes headers for the top of the bulletin board in many different sizes and colors including black and white.
  • How Many Days in School – you pick your version using base ten blocks, money, ten frames, or tally marks.
  • Greeting Poster or Spinner – can be a poster, interactive choice board, cards on a key ring, or use the fun spinner for students to choose how to greet one another!
  • Graphing Poster – for the types of weather and the range of temperature to graph the entire month!
  • Daily Attendance Display – have students “sign in” or clip their name to a part of the poster to take attendance.

Topics Covered with this Bulletin Board:
Greeting Choices
Class Attendance
Yesterday was…
Today is…
Tomorrow will be…
Last month was..
The month is…
Next month is…
The date is…
Last year was…
The year is…
Next year will be…
The date
The weather is…
The temperature is…
It feels…
Weather Graphing
The season is…

How many days of school?

  • in tally marks
  • in base ten blocks
  • in ten frames
  • with money

Need decor that is timeless and usable with any theme or color scheme?

The images and fonts on the decor and labels are modern and simple, which will help create a calm atmosphere in your classroom. There are options to print in color or black and white to make it work with any classroom theme!

Want to be able to edit and customize?

Some of the materials can be edited to create more labels and items that are specific to your school! **Not all items are editable.

Looking for all the other teaching essentials beyond the decor? Try these!
Morning Meeting Boom Cards
Morning Meeting Interactive Student Binders
Morning Meeting Google Slides Activity
Getting Dressed Adapted Books and Boom Cards
Visual Daily Question of the Day with Writing Prompts

*Want to take a look inside this resource? Download the preview file to check it out!*

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Terms of Use:

Copyright © Teach Love Autism. All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. See product file for clip-art and font credits.


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